Enlightened despots held that royal power emanated not from divine right but from a social contract whereby a despot was entrusted with the power to govern in lieu of any other governments. My personal despotism is a little different. I am a journalist, lawyer, writer, videographer, and culture critic, trying to operate under the radar of the total state. My two major works in progress:

  1. A serialized novel currently called “Wonderful Things”

  2. A treatise on jurisprudence, law, culture and modernity

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My Substack is nicknamed Sans Souci – without a care – and should be understood as both the primary wish and leitmotif of its creator, because this is the place I most prefer to retreat with friends, to write, to read, to think. Pull up a chair.


West is the Best. Lover of beautiful things. Law, author, movies, lawyer, art, architecture, history, philosophy, literature and criticism... picking up the scattered pieces and putting them back together.